Success story
Zabibu Kabalika

“All this wouldn’t be
possible if it were
not for the Karimjee

Through her Karimjee Conservation Scholarship, Zabibu Kabalika was able to attend the University of Glasgow in the UK, one of the top universities in the world – for her MSc studies.

She undertook MSc in Conservation Management of African Ecosystems, one of the most high profile programs in wildlife and ecosystem conservation in the sector. She is the first Karimjee scholar to be awarded a four-year Commonwealth PhD scholarship to pursue a PhD in ecology at the University of Glasgow.

“A PhD in ecology has been my lifelong dream and education goal, and all this wouldn’t be possible if it were not for the Karimjee scholarship. Thank you again for your generosity and support. I promise you I will work very hard and eventually give something back to others.”